The audience I have chosen would be appropriate for my idea is teenager men from the age of 15 to adults of 30 yeas old. This was chosen for my idea mainly because of the chosen genres of comedy and action. The action side of the film would be appealing to the older half of my audience and the comedy to the younger side of my audience. I felt this was appropraite because my research of previous similar films showed that people from the ages of my idea tend to enjoy these films as they rated them fairly high and also said what their preferred genre is, which related to my comedy/action idea.
To gather information from my initial target audience I constructed a questionnaire and handed out a number of copies. A filled out copy of the questionnaire is below.
The questionnaire has helped me to find out some name ideas for my movie, it has given me ideas for adjusting the synopsis and has given me a clear idea of what is to be include into my idea to make it both original and effective. I am going to use the majority of my research to create a well constructed movie opening that appeals to people both inside and outside my target audience.
The questionnaire included questions asking the person about my synopsis, my movie title and movies similar to my idea. The research about similar movies helped me to realise what to relate my opening and overall idea to.
The two images below are put together as an example of one of the filled in questionnaires. The rest of the questionnaires that I collected included similar forms of answers but there was variety in the useful information.